David Marcarian | Human Touch

President of Precision Biometrics
About David Marcarian, MA
David Marcarian, MA, is founder and president of Precision Biometrics, which supplies and manufactures the MyoVision sEMG and Thermoglide systems.
He was awarded a $450,000 grant from the National Institute of Health to assist the development of the MyoVision with NASA. While at NASA he utilized sEMG to evaluate the ergonomics of various hand controllers to be used in future classified Military aircraft. Mr. Marcarian holds a bachelor’s degree in Physics and a master’s in Psychophysiology through the NASA-University Program. His master’s thesis, titled “An Electromyographic Analysis of Muscle Fatigue in a Flight Simulation: A Comparison of Isometric and Isotonic Controllers” is still cited by current studies as the most relevant research in the field even though it was published in 1986.
He has instructed on sEMG technique for Palmer College of Chiropractic, Parker College, Texas Chiropractic College, Life Chiropractic College West and the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. His coursework has been endorsed by every state chiropractic association in the United States that mandates sEMG training, and is a required course in Saskatchewan to perform sEMG testing. He has also personally instructed more than 6,000 chiropractors on proper sEMG technique and practice.
His latest invention, the ProformaVision™ is used to help pianists and other musicians in improving performance, and will be integrated into the Cleveland Clinics Hospital (Cleveland, Ohio) as a device for aiding the rehabilitation of stroke victims by utilizing the Piano Keyboard and MyoVision sEMG/Video/MIDI device. The MyoVision 3G Wirefree System used to diagnose soft tissue injury, is now the “Gold Standard” in diagnostic instruments and is featured as the tool of choice in the 2010 edition of the AMA’s Medical Text “A Practical Guide to Range of Motion Assessments.”